
Wee Chefs - so far, so fun!

We are only on day 3 of our Wee Chef theme and we are already having a great time. Tuesday we had a great visit from Mr. Moore and Chick-Fil-A. The Chick-Fil-A cow even came to have some fun with us. Mr. Moore, father of Reese Moore in PS 3, showed us all how they make their lemonade daily. The children were able to pass around lemons. We discussed their texture, color and how we thought they would taste. Mr. Moore then squeezed fresh lemon juice and added water and sugar and all the children were able to have a glass of Chick-Fil-A lemonade! Thank you so Mr. Moore and Chick-Fil-A - we had a great time!

Wednesday the kids made their own lunch! They were all supplied with ingredient to make their very own personal pizzas. They had so much fun doing so and we plan to have a lot more hands on cooking projects in the next week and a half.

Next Monday is cuisines from around the world day. Check your child's class for a sign up sheet!