
Wee Chef week 1 = success!

We rounded out the week with a Father's Day snack Thursday afternoon. We had a great turn out! Dads joined their children in their classes for soft pretzels and a little bonding one on one time. We had a small surprise in store for the dads too. Everyone who showed up had their name placed in a hat and we had a random drawing for a 1/2 off tuition for one week. The winner was Paul Fluss, dad to Toddler 2 daughter, Aubrey! Congratulations Fluss family!

Friday we embraced the Wee Chef theme by making "Buggy Bags". The kids had a blast. They are so easy to do at home too. We gave the children ziplock bags with graham crackers inside. They crushed them up to make "dirt" and then they added raisins (bugs), gummy worms and gummy fish. WaaLaa - Buggy Bags!

Every afternoon next week the children will be making their very own afternoon snack so be sure to either stop by the kitchen and read the dry erase board and/or read your daily sheet to see what we have made.

Be sure you are going to williamsonparent.com and VOTE for The Academy of McKay's Mill for best child care! Email the link to all your family and friends. We are working on winning this for our 3rd year in a row, but we need your help. The class with the most parent participation will win a pizza and ice cream party!! Also, there will be a random hat draw for all the parents that vote and you have a chance to win a FREE WEEK tuition so VOTE,VOTE,VOTE!