
Wee Chef - WeEk 2 DaY oNe!

Who says Monday is a hard day to get up and get going? Not Academy kids, that's for sure! We had a great day. We aren't letting the heat get us down either. Today was Cuisines Around the World Day and we had a successful tasty day. We had a great variety of food brought in and everyone was excited to try all of the different cuisines. We had things like Mexican bean dip, chow mein noodles, rosemary breadsticks, Cuban crackers, Italian Ice, Kavli crackers, quesadillas, egg rolls, wontons, German pretzels, edamane and homemade lasgna. Thank you to EVERYONE who participated in this activity. It really allowed to kids to not only taste, but learn about different cultures. I think it was a great success.

Today was also ice cream sandwich day. With temperatures close to 100 we needed something to cool us down and what is better than ICE CREAM?! The kids were given 2 cookies and they were able to scoop their own ice cream on to the cookies and roll them in sprinkles. We didn't hear anyone complaining about homemade ice cream sandwiches today! :)
Pre-K Two has also spent the past week getting the parents involved in bringing different fruits and veggies in daily so the kids are able to taste new things so you may see some broccoli pop up in our ice cream sandwich pictures and that's why. Natalie, from Pre-K 2 even dipped her broccoli IN the ice cream. Anything to get them to eat their veggies, right?!