
Carnival Fun!

The first two weeks of Carnival Fun have been a blast for both the kids and the teachers. We have had special guests, fun arts and crafts and played lots of carnival games. It's been a great kick off to summer! Check out some pictures of our favorite activities.

Mr Tubby came for a visit and showed us crazy clown tricks, made balloon animals and even read us his very own book, Mr Tubby's Lemonade Stand. It was a great day!

Everyone loved meeting in the Enrichment room to watch Jo Jo's Circus and eat some yummy popcorn!

"Pie your teacher in the face" was a GREAT day! The kids had a blast throwing cool whip pies at their teachers. The younger classes weren't real sure if they should be doing it and were very gentle with the whole process. One child actually told their teacher that he was sorry after he did it! It was a great time!